Sunday, April 24, 2016

LoE Realms

This p server now is 24/7, now is building, now this is vps.
The own is Devwarlt and this is the developer and head of the team, this sometimes connect in LoE.
The wiki this build.
And my personal opinion is that LoE before are better but now is so bad.
Like this but now no how before.
Remember: If u want play this play, see my videos if u want.
U can play this in pag official:
Have all maps, all monsters, now gods no are bigs.
Only give 3 stars of 5 stars of this.
Note: Now i am critical person of all the p sever.
1 Star: Very Bad ( Much lag, bad play and more)
2 Stars: So Bad (No very lag but lag, Bad play and more)
3 Stars: Bad (No lag but sometimes lag, no bad play but no god play and more)
4 Stars: Good(No lag but sometimes lag, good play and more)
5 Stars: Very Good(No lag but sometimes lag, good play and more)
My channel Dilandilan
I love U. Ty

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